Please find below our opening hours for Christmas 2024 & New Year:
Merry Christmas MegaMac Shoppers - please find below our customer service hours for the Christmas and New Year Period:
- December 25th-27th: Closed
- December 30th-31st: Open
- January 1st: Closed
During our opening hours, you can contact us via Email, Live Chat or WhatsApp as usual. Our phone line will be closed.
Please find below our warehouse opening hours, during which the team will be processing and dispatching orders as usual on their open days:
- December 23rd - 24th : Open
- December 25th - 26th: Closed
- December 27th: Open
- December 28th: Closed
- December 29th: Open
- January 1st: Closed
Please note that due to an expected backlog due to business closure hours, it may take up to 2-3 days for us to dispatch your order once business resumes normal operation on 2nd January 2025. Backorders will also take longer to dispatch during this period, so please kindly note that advised lead times on product pages may not be accurate.
Any returns received from 25th December - 1st January will be processed on 2nd January. Please allow an extra 2-3 days for us to process these in case of a backlog.